"I can't paint!"

That was my belief when Michael asked me to try it.

I had never had contact with canvas, brushes and paints before and was accordingly skeptical.

Michael didn't give up and so I tried - with a lot of respect for the blank, white canvas. And to my astonishment, it worked!

How proud I was when I actually finished my first picture and Michael praised me very much - not without first criticizing very constructively what he still does today.

Encouraged by this, I ventured into several still lifes, a landscape and a collage. Everything worked well !!!

My view of things has changed from what you see in my pictures.

So I increase from picture to picture, which leads to being “exhibited” and named here.

Without Michael’s encouragement and praising, appreciative criticism, I wouldn’t have come this far. Thank you so much, dear Michael!

I would like to preserve my respect for the empty canvas and the first brush stroke.


To the beach, 2020

Acrylic on canvas


Randdüne, 2021

Acrylic on canvas


Vegetable traffic light, 2020

Acrylic on canvas


Tulips in the moss, 2019

Acrylic, moss and newsprint on canvas


Brandung, 2020

Acrylic on canvas